Sunday, January 08, 2006

Stubbington 10k

In many ways that was a rerun of the Hayling 10: 3°C, drizzle, and I got stitch from half way! This stitch thing is becoming a habit of mine. This time I'd done more core strength work, and maybe it helped: the stitch wasn't nearly as bad, and was higher up - central under the sternum - easier to run through. I had less breakfast this time, paced it better, but still it got me. Maybe I'm not doing enough fast work? I wish I knew. I'll carry on with the core work, as I'm sure that will help.

Right. Having got the moaning out of the way, I had a really good run. I knocked over 3 minutes off my PB with a time of 45:44. I was the 4th of our team over the line, so didn't score league points for the 'A' team, but I think that means we will have scored well with Gina, Ruth and Shelly up ahead. The 'B' team should have done fairly well. Our club had over 40 runners: a huge number for such a small club. This is after the Hampshire cross country championships yesterday. Well done team!

The weather was miserable: cold and damp - sleety drizzle, but I was OK with just vest, shorts and gloves. I guess I generate more body heat than I used to! Maybe it's the cold that is causing the stitch? I didn't feel like I needed an extra layer on my torso though.

I ran the first 4 miles with young Richard attached to my shoulder (another similarity to the Hayling 10). At 4 miles I slowed momentarily, and he slowed too, but as he was clearly quite fresh I yelled at him: "Push on!". He did exactly that and finished well ahead of me, overtaking 2 of our team. He got a really good time, something I'd like to take some credit for, as I made sure he didn't go out too quickly. Maybe though, he should have gone out quicker, as he ran a very quick last 2 miles. Oh dear! Maybe I slowed him too much at the beginning? Naughty me!

My time indicates I'm getting closer to that 3:30 marathon target. The Runner's World calculator has me at 3:30. The Macmillan calculator has me at 3:34. This is without a taper: I had a big mileage week, but just took a rest day yesterday. I think I should be pleased!

Here's the data:

Stubbington 10k splits
Lap (km)Lap timeMile pacebpm

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