Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Rumours of my demise

After feeling off 2 weeks ago, I recovered well and felt strong by the end of last week. I had booked Friday and yesterday off work as a long weekend, originally feeling I needed some r&r, but by Thursday I felt great again! I went for a curry Thursday evening with my friends. Could this have been a mistake?

I felt a bit bloated on Friday, normal for me after a curry, but otherwise fine. I did an a.m. gym session and a p.m. recovery run - felt fine!

Saturday, I now had some flatulence problems! Again, not unusual after a curry, but 2 days later? My gym session felt good, but after spending the afternoon on my laptop, I got a headache. Again, this is not unusual for me. I had a whiplash injury years ago, which can still cause headaches if my posture is poor. Laptops are not good for posture! With the headache, often comes nausea. I had a serious case of nausea Saturday evening! I needed to eat well to load for my Sunday 20mile run, but really struggled to even get a normal meal down. I went to bed feeling sick.

Sunday morning, I woke early and had breakfast. The headache had gone, I felt better, but I still felt heavy and bloated. I went to the loo OK. No indications of a problem, just a feeling of being stuffed full.

The Christchurch Mad March Hare 20 went OK. I held back in the first half and ran with a friend, then picked it up for the second half. I ran strongly throughout, but I'd felt heavy and bloated for the whole race. I had to force myself to drink and have my energy gels all the way round. Serious lack of appetite!

After the race though, I knew I had a problem. I felt really sick! I couldn't face the thought of food, but realised I had to have something to eat. I managed to force down a banana and about half of my protein drink. For the rest of the day I managed an apple, a banana, a couple of yoghurts and a little breakfast cereal. Not good after a 20-miler!

Still though, the only physical symptom was some rather bad flatulence! Monday was my day off work so I managed some quality rest. Still no meals though, just light grazing.

Today, Tuesday, for the 2nd time in a fortnight, I called in sick. Finally, diarrhoea! Weird how it's taken so long to finally come on! Maybe now I will get rid of whatever is in my system. I feel crap, but at least my appetite is coming back.

Clearly no training today, but hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and can manage a gentle jog, so not miss too much training. I've managed a meal today, and have carried on the grazing I've done for the past few days. Hopefully my strength will come back now my stomach is settling.

Again the questions of whether I've in any way overtrained. Should I have run the 20-miler? Will I feel better tomorrow? Fingers crossed!

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