Monday, February 06, 2006

Weekly summary - 10 weeks to go

Another great week feeling really strong, but a slight niggle on Friday/Saturday. I'd been alerted to a tight soleus at the massage on Tuesday, probably as a result of blasting up the final hill at the cross country, and largely ignored it as the soleus generally doesn't cause a problem. After the hills of Friday though, the insertion of the soleus into the achilles was really sore. I could also now feel how tight the soleus was. Awareness of these things is always a good thing, and I spent time on Saturday icing, heating, and massaging the area.

On Sunday, the achilles was fine, but I could feel tenderness in the soleus, probably from the pummeling I'd given it. Once I'd warmed up though, it was fine. I felt sluggish during the run as I was no doubt a little fatigued, but all went well - I was very pleased with the pace. I'm sure if I'd done the run without Saturday's precautionary measures, I would now be nursing a sore leg.

Still going strong...

Monday5.5 milesEasy recovery 65%MHR 
Tuesday8.5 milesTempo run - middle 5 at 7:40ish 84%MHRishMassage a.m. Run p.m.
Wednesday14 milesSlow run 9:08/mile 68%MHRRan a bit quicker than last week - felt better
Thursday5.5 milesEasy recovery 62%MHRJogged the club session
Friday12 milesSlow run 9:07/mile 69%MHR2 300ft hills, yet pace similar to Wednesday
Saturday6 milesEasy recovery 9:30 65%MHRRight achilles/soleus sore
Sunday15 miles10 miles at marathon pace 7:55 82%MHRFelt a bit sluggish
Total66.5 miles  

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