Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Pledge

Mars Bar 25th Feb

This is one of the stranger photos I've blogged, but it's a symbol.

This is the Mars Bar I received in my goodie bag last week at Bramley.

I still have it. It is uneaten.

I like my cake, biscuits and chocolate. Trouble is, if I'm to improve my diet and reduce all the refined sugars, they have to go. I know the occasional one won't hurt, but with me it's all or nothing. If I allow myself one treat, is that one per week, one per day, one per run? There has to be boundaries. If I allow myself one, then where does it stop? I've tried to cut down in the past, but the "one won't hurt" approach just lets me break the rules with increased frequency until I'm back where I started.

So far this year I have had no biscuits and no chocolate. I have had one misdemeanour so far on the cake front when it was the only food left at the end of the Manor Farm cross country event a few weeks back: I think I'll forgive myself that one.

Today I popped into the Up & Running first birthday event at Chandlers Ford, largely for a chat with Mike Gratton, who has been advising me on the Runner's World forum. Mike will bear witness to the fact that I refused a slice of birthday cake - such is my resolve!

The Mars Bar will remain uneaten until Boston, as my occasional photo blogs will attest.

I will not falter!

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