Saturday, December 04, 2004

A study in loss of fitness

Two weeks ago I posted Progress, showing how I'd improved dramatically over the course of just one month.

What a difference a week's illness can make!

Today I did my usual Saturday gym session involving a bit of warm up cardio work on the cross trainer and rower, some weights, mostly lower body, and finishing with 4 miles on the treadmill. I felt a lot better! My strength seems to be returning and I coped well - it felt like a normal session.

Looking at my heart rate though revealed a different story. I have slowed sooo much!

Here's the plot of the treadmill session - 3 miles at 9.6km/h (10 minute miling), then slowing for each of the last 2 half miles: 9km/h, 8.5km/h. It's overlaid with exactly the same session from 2 weeks ago.
Last 2 heart rate plots

Today's plot was 10bpm higher than last time! It's gone back to what it was 6 weeks ago.

Between the two plots I've run a slow 13 miles, then a complete week off due to the virus. I started running last Tuesday and have done slow runs of 2.5 miles, 3 miles, 4.3 miles and 4 miles.

Is the lack of form because I still haven't fully regained my strength? Or is it that the week off has caused me to lose the effects of a whole month's training?

I guess I'll just carry on and find out in a week or two's time!

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