Friday, April 20, 2007

Training summary: the taper

My taper was a 2-week affair detailed below. I was particularly pleased with Tuesday's 400m reps, as they were my fastest ever reps, running the last 6 faster than 6:00/mile, and still fairly comfortable. There then followed some marathon pace intervals in the club handicap race, although I probably ran quicker than marathon pace due to the terrain and the gates/bridges. Totton was a disaster in racing terms but actually proved to be quite a good workout - 6km hard plus 3 marathon pace 1km intervals - under the circumstances that was probably a better preparation for London than 10km flat out.

My final 3 mile run felt really comfortable and was quick despite the fresh headwind.

I'm as ready as I can be. This is the fittest I've ever been before a marathon. I'm currently concerned about the predicted warm weather, but I think this will be a good one. Bring it on!

Monday 9th April2 milesam: 2 miles treadie plus weights 
Tuesday5.7 milespm: 8x400m 75s jog/walk
92s no HR
91s 146bpm
90s 149bpm
89s 151bpm
89s 151bpm
88s 153bpm
89s 153bpm
89s 153bpm
peaked at 5:54/mile
Very pleased - fastest flat pace I've ever run!
Wednesday7.6 milespm:7.6 miles @8:42/mile 116bpmEasy off road run
Thursday7.5 milespm: Club handicap race 60:32 131bpmRan the race as 4mins marathon pace 7:15/mile, 4 mins steady
FridayRest Club annual dinner
Sunday7 milesTotton 10k 45:25 149bpm 
Total29.8 miles  
Monday 16th April4.5 milespm: offroad steady 8:28 123bpm 
Tuesday5.15 milespm: Easy off road club run 118bpm
WednesdayRest Hardly restful as spent afternoon at FLM expo and evening walking at the club social run/walk
Thursday4.5 milespm: Really easy jog to club session then 2 400m intervals 7:15/mile 
Friday3 miles8:11/mile 118bpm into fresh headwind 
SaturdayRest Drive up to London
Sunday26.2 milesFlora London Marathon in ??? 
Total excluding marathon17.2 miles  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Susie

I hope it went OK for you today and that you achieved what you were hoping for.