Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Weekly summary - 9 weeks to go

As I write this, there are only 8 weeks to go. I think I intended the titles of the summaries to reflect how many weeks to go including the week being summarised. It's starting to feel close!

My highest mileage week so far. A niggle or 2 has crept in, as it always seem to during the cold weeks when my mileage is high. My quads always suffer during the cold. I can feel my legs complaining as I run, even if the rest of me is sweating. Running into a head wind always exaggerates the effect, even when wearing 3 (yes 3!) layers on my legs. Due to tightness in the outer quads (vastus lateralis) I then get achey knees (patello-femoral pain - hope I spelt that right). Two years ago it got so severe I couldn't kneel. Last year I spotted it early and it never got too bad. This year it appears to be just one cold run on Tuesday caused some aching, and I'm now on top of it with massage and stretching. With it being bitterly cold this coming week, I'd better take care!

Tuesday10.2 Drift test 81%MHR 141bpm 
Wednesday6.9 Easy recovery run 67%MHR 
Thursday7.8Gym sesh - row+weights5 1-mile reps 7:45 ,84%MHR 
Friday6.9 (Very) easy recovery run 10:15/mile 65%MHRLowest heart rate ever for a run!
Saturday7Gym: 3+4 tready, 15mins bike Still showing improvement in pace/heart rate
Sunday20Bramley 20 3:05 130bpm ave 75%MHR  
Total58.8 miles

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