Thursday, June 05, 2008

Human interaction

I was coaching tonight at the local country park. We've had clashes with fishermen in the past (yob fishermen from the local estate who think a fishing permit gives them exclusive use of the park) and my runners were looking nervously at a group of 'yoofs' sitting next to the lake blocking the path. I set the session off in the opposite direction and went over to have a friendly word with the teens:

"Excuse me folks, but we have a group of runners coming past in a bit. There's no need to move, but if you could clear your bikes off the path that would be appreciated"

A few questions were then asked about what we were doing and how many of us there were and I jogged off to join the session.

"Thanks for letting us know" said one of them as I departed.

Treat them with respect, you get respect!

I think I learnt a life lesson tonight.

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