Friday, November 24, 2006

Gait analyis

This morning I had a fitness and gait assessment. The idea was to identify any problems which may have contributed to my shin splints, and design a weight program to correct any muscle imbalances.

Elaine had some interesting observations!

I'm fairly light footed, but do tend to heel strike a bit. I'm quite tense on foot strike, with my ankle fully dorsi-flexed (upwards). This explains why I get tightness in my shins for one thing.

She doesn't want me to consciously try to change my gait, but trying to keep my ankles relaxed and flex more at the hip will help. Just trying to not be so straight legged as I footstrike will take the tension out of my ankle and help my shins. I could certainly feel a difference when I just tried to put a little more tension in my hip flexors and relax my ankle.

I noticed myself that my right shoulder is noticeably down and back compared to my left - this was the first time I've ever run on a treadmill in front of a mirror - in my gym the mirrors are at the side. Elaine said my one hip was raised (I can't remember which one), so maybe the shoulders are in reaction to this.

One key observation was that she was surprised I didn't trip over as I ran, as my left leg comes right over my midline as it trails behind me. I'm quite asymmetric!

She also observed how defined my right glutes were when I ran, compared to the left glutes which were quite flaccid(!). This explains why any tightness I get in the glutes is always on the right.

The brief muscle strength tests she did also showed an imbalance. I am much stronger on the right than the left, although the balance front to back between hamstrings and quads is quite good.

It was a very useful session, although we didn't get everything done in the hour we had - I'm booked again for next week, when we'll go through the weight training program.

One downside is my lower shin is now a bit sore, which it hasn't been previously. It doesn't seem to have made the upper shin sore though, at the site of the main problem, so I guess that is good news. I'm a bit disappointed though that a mere 2 miles of treadmill should have such an effect on my lower shin. However, my leg wasn't taped as Elaine needed to see how my leg was moving. Once the physio shows me how to tape my leg, it should help.

I had hoped to go for a run this weekend, but as the physio didn't have time to show me the taping, she's told me to leave it until after our Tuesday session.

A worthwhile expenditure of £30 I reckon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Susie, interested to hear about the gait analysis. In the last marathon I ran, one of my mantras was "relax the ankles". I picked this up from the book "Chi Running", which is worth a read if you haven't already. I'm sure it helped me stave off calf cramping, and just kept me nice and relaxed in general. I haven't made major adjustments to my gait .. just the relaxed ankles thing.
Your gym workouts sound awesome ...I don't do anything other than run (and swim), but probably should!