Saturday, September 24, 2005

More pre-race paranoia

I did 17 miles last night. That was the first long run I've ever done in the evening after work. I nearly managed to psyche myself out of it though.

I've been volunteered for our club relay race tomorrow. I keep saying 'volunteered', as I never actually told the organiser I was going to do it, but I know I'll enjoy it nonetheless. Given a free choice, I'd stick with my schedule and do a long run on Sunday as usual (but not too long as I am tapering). The schedule says race a short to medium distance on Saturday and do 17 miles on Sunday. The club handicap race on Sunday gives me the race opportunity, but although I've proved I can race then do a long run, I think doing a long run and racing the following day would damage my legs. The answer, I decided, was to do my long run on the Friday evening, giving me a full day's rest before the race on Sunday.

I spent all day Friday at my desk. At lunchtime, just as I was about to have a break and go for a walk, I foolishly allowed myself to get interrupted and spent lunch working at my desk, grabbing a bite of a sandwich as and when I could. I did spend a few moments stretching, but by the end of the day my legs were feeling rather stiff: my calves in particular rather tight.

I set out for my run home, and all I could think of was how tight my left calf was, convinced I was going to do some damage if I ran the full 17 miles.
"I never agreed to do this relay on Sunday"
"I'm team captain though - I can't pull out now"
"Maybe if I just do a few miles this evening, I can rest up, phone round, and try to find a replacement for Sunday"
"But if my calf feels bad now, will it feel OK for a long run on Sunday?"
"And then if I do my long run, I'm pretty much going to have to cross the path of my team mates as they do the relay - I'll feel really awkward"
"And it's not just the combination of long run and race that's a problem - the relay is off-road, and there's the risk of going over on my ankle"
"Why am I worrying about this and getting stressed? Stop now and call to pull out of the race"
"Mind you my calf hasn't felt any worse since I started out"
"I'm about to pass the start of one of my relay legs - I could just do a quick recce - at least I'll be prepared if I do do the relay"
"Well I've now done 12 miles - I might as well carry on for the full 17"

After a ton of self doubt and resentment, I finished my long run.

I've had a lazy day of rest to maximise my recovery for tomorrow. I think I'll be OK. It should be fun!

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