Thursday, May 04, 2006


Tonight's club session was hill reps at the local country park alternating with a lap of the lake. I didn't want to do the hill reps so had settled for jogging round the lake. I had been advised to do 8*400m at 10k pace with a 90secs jog recovery, but had figured that the rutted path round the lake was going to be too dodgy for fast paced running.

I got to the park to find that the path had been resurfaced for most of its length, and the shale surface was smooth enough to allow some fast stuff. The remainder of the path completing the circuit was uneven grass, a small wooden bridge, and a twisty turny uneven path through the trees.

It turned out that the resurfaced part was 400m spot on (new 305 GPS - v accurate), and the uneven part was just the right length for 90 seconds of gentle jogging (230m).

The park's landscaper was clearly a runner!

I was aiming for 7:00/mile - slightly under 10k pace - 1:45 per rep. Reps timed as:
1:52 (oops! - lost concentration)

Max HR 154bpm, minimum 134bpm. Higher than it should have been, maybe due to marathon fatigue, or maybe simply the heat: 21°C - nice day!


Anonymous said...

Susie, I have been really enjoying your blog, in fact its possibly the best running blog I have read. You have come so far, and done incredibly well in your marathons and other races. I can' t believe you are runing another marathon so soon after Boston, but can't wait to hear how it goes!

Keep on keepin' on!

Windsurfin' Susie said...

Cheers Dogfish Dave!
Your kind words are much appreciated!