Saturday, April 16, 2005

Weekly summary - 1 week to go

...or Weekly summary - 1 day to go!
All the preparation is done and I'm ready. I'm in the best shape I've ever been in, but still the nagging doubt that I could have been in even better shape had I not got ill. I'm sure few ever get the preparation they hoped for, so under the circumstances I think I've done OK.

After last year's experience, I realise that a large part of the latter stages of the race are down to mental preparation. I've been spending time this week focusing on the race and preparing my mental strategies for coping. I have my 4 key words from last year to try to keep my focus:
'Relax': I tend to tense up, particularly the shoulders. 'Relax' tells me not to waste energy by tensing.
'Glide': Similar to 'relax' - I tend to lose form when I tire. I can end up stamping rather than gliding, which is inefficient and wasteful.
'Smile' is a little more left field (or perhaps right field?). Apparently smiling is a right brain activity and helps to wrest control back from that naughty logical left side telling you to slow down. It also reminds me that all my best runs I’ve really enjoyed and felt great. It will hopefully help recapture that mindset.
'Push' will only come into play later in the race. No explanation needed!

I really do need to relax on the day. There is so much wasted energy running in a big crowd. I need to conserve energy wherever possible. I'm sure the fact that it's now my 3rd FLM will help.

I have my race day kit sorted out: I've decanted single helpings of 'SIS Go' powders into little ziplock bags: I find Lucozade too syrupy, so mix my own more dilute drink with the supplied Vittel, and sip this all the way round the course from my bottle belt. The bottle belt pockets contain the powders, 5 gels, 1 every 5 miles, a hat, and arm warmers if it's cold at the start - I'll be running in crop top and shorts so it could be chilly first thing. All that remains now is to pack my kit bag with some warm clothes for afterwards, and write my pace plan splits across the top of my race number.

I'm ready. Bring it on!

Monday4.4Easy recovery 68%maxHR  
Tuesday6.0 mini drift/fitness test 
WednesdayRest?  Spent the day wandering round the FLM exhibition
Thursday7.6 Slow run 120bpm 69%maxHR 9:31/mileThe club long handicap race, completed 7.65 miles in 71:25 - last place but one, but on target for London!
Saturday2Slow recovery with some 150m strides at marathon pace Felt great! Rather important the day before a marathon
Total (excluding marathon)20 miles

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