Sunday, February 10, 2008

The joy of running

Take a look at the route of this morning's long run:

How often do you get to run 16 miles with only a few hundred metres of road? I don't think I thanked Diana and Belinda enough for the run, but it was fantastic: the most beautiful countryside imaginable. We ran through the South Downs and Kingley Vale, which I'm reliably informed is Europe's oldest yew forest. We also went past the Devil's Humps which give a wonderful 360° view of the Sussex countryside. The weather was fantastic: the brilliant sunshine felt so warm in the open, while the ground was still frozen in the depth's of the forest.

It was muddy, boy was it muddy, and there were some killer hills. I reckon as a result that was my slowest long run, certainly in recent years, but who cares when you have that scenery.

Thanks girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this run as well - this was the furthest I'd ever run and certain;ly for the longest time!! Thanks Sue & Belinda
