Wednesday, April 19, 2006

First report (the club newsletter version)

I have a reputation for my reports in the club newsletter, so, as for Cardiff, here is the tongue-in-cheek brief version that will appear this evening. I'll blog a full report tomorrow.

You know it's only carbon dioxide, but its effect is something magical. It could be the purest freshest mountain oxygen, breathing life into your tired body. The liquid has a dryness, the volatile molecules dissolved therein giving it a pleasing if unspectacular aroma. Here though, gas and liquid come together in true synergy, giving a result not short of spectacular. Your nostrils sense the shower of droplets propelled upwards. You are suddenly transported to a waterfall cascading down to the shore of a hot tropical island. How can such a simple device give such instant bliss, before the heavenly liquid has even passed the lips? Did I say simple? No. This is the result of centuries of development of the wine makers art.

Another marathon, another PB, another way to celebrate.

A glass of champagne. That’s what it’s all about.

The 110th Boston Marathon, 17th April 2006, finish time: 3:31:45.

Job done.

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