Friday, December 08, 2006

Modified gym

Things are starting to get back to normal with a double yesterday. I did a full gym session in the morning and a gentle 5-miler in the evening. My shin feels fine!

Elaine, my personal trainer, has had me drop most of the double leg exercises from my routine, eg the barbell work, in favour of single leg exercise, working the left leg more than the right. Once my legs are balanced, the barbell will be brought back, but probably favouring the Dead Lift rather than the Clean, as I'll be able to lift more weight. I think the Clean may have benefits in terms of explosive power, but I'll see what Elaine thinks.

My new routine, or at least what I did yesterday, is as follows:

Warm up 10 min Xtrainer, aerobic level 12

Balance on one leg - bounce gym ball on each side and out in front - 30s on each leg x 3

Standing. Bend knees. Lift heels. Roll forwards onto toes. Straighten legs keeping on toes. Slowly relax heels to the floor.
Both legs 10 reps x 2. Single legs 5 reps x 3

Back against wall, slide down slowly and return. 30 secs rest between sets
Left leg 8 reps x 4
Right leg 5 reps x 3
There's too much friction, particularly if I'm sweaty - I'll probably start using a gym ball between me and the wall.

Single leg dip (down until knee covers toe), with 14kg dumb-bell in each hand
Left leg 10 reps x 3
Right leg 6 reps x 3

Lunges (keep front leg 90°, back knee 1 inch from floor). 9kg dumb-bell in each hand
5 reps x 4 each leg

Standing from seated position, individual legs
Left leg 8 reps x 4
Right leg 5 reps x 3

Single leg press 50kg. 8-10 reps x 3 left leg

That's Elaine's program. I also added:
10 gym ball crunches
10 gym ball dorsal raises
20 gym ball left, right, centre crunches
10 gym ball side raises each side
10 gym ball leg raises face down on Step.

5 mins cool down on air bike.

Full stretches, emphasing left soleus (which is much less flexible than right)

I hope I have the discipline to keep that going once I am back up to full mileage!


R said...


I was doing a google search for my calf pain (it is exactly how you describe yours as the phantom pain---tingly, crampy and INSIDE the calf) and when I run (putting weight on it) causes the hairs to stand up on my skin. Tingly. Nervy. Not a crazy pain, just sort of weird. Strangely related to the back of the heel or ankle a little.

I don't know if it is ok for me to keep running on it. I know if I go to my doctor they will find nothing (they usually find nothing) so has this caused you more problems by continuing to run on it? I have pretty much kept off it. I just get ready to run and then the second I feel the cramp I quit because I don't want to cause a bigger problem--I pray it goes away soon so I can run!! I have had a big injury in the past with my knee (it completely blew up and bruised and I could not walk on it---I had to stop running for a few months).

The calf sort of cramps as well at night when I am falling asleep. A dull, tingly cramp.

Do you have any idea about this?

You are an amazing runner!!!

Windsurfin' Susie said...

I wouldn't run on it if I was you (hindsight is a wonderful thing). It sounds to me like you have a knot/trigger point which might be pressing on a nerve - anything tingly I reckon is usually nerve related.

A good sports massage would be a best course of action I reckon. They will be able to find any knots and ease them out.

I have a rule (which I broke recently, and caused me the problems) that I can get away with running on an 'iffy' upper leg (tightness etc), but any lower leg problems need immediate attention (massage) or they will quickly escalate into injuries.

Don't risk running on a lower leg problem - the high impact nature of running is very hard on the lower leg.

R said...

Thank you! It is good to know!

Great blog!